Should I become a pilot – 10 Reasons why you should

10 reasons to become an airline pilot

Have you ever dreamed of becoming a pilot? Do you love the idea of flying high in the sky, exploring the world and experiencing new things? Do you want to have a rewarding and exciting career that offers many benefits and opportunities?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this article is for you. In this article, I will share with you some of the reasons why becoming a pilot is a great choice for anyone who loves flying and adventure. I will also tell you how you can start your journey to becoming a pilot and what you can expect from this profession.

Becoming a pilot is not easy, but it is definitely worth it. It is a profession that requires passion, dedication, skill and knowledge. It is a profession that challenges you, inspires you and fulfills you. It is a profession that gives you the best views in the world.

The Short Duration of Training

short duration of flight training

Many professional training programs take years to complete. For example, becoming a doctor can take up to 11 years, including 4 years of undergraduate degree, 4 years of medical school, and 3 years of residency. Becoming a lawyer can take up to 7 years, including 4 years of undergraduate degree and 3 years of law school. Becoming a teacher can take up to 6 years, including 4 years of undergraduate degree and 2 years of a teacher education program.

But flight training can take as little as 7 months at some very renowned institutes that even provide pilot job pathways to some major airlines. Don’t believe me? Take a look at it here. So you can actually start earning money in the profession in as little as 12 months (considering other processes that take time after 7 months).

Pilot Benefits by Airlines

benefits of being a pilot

As a pilot, you will be given an allowance of tickets for you and your closest family members where you get to travel for essentially free of cost (except for some taxes) to the destinations the airline operates to. Airlines offer these free-of-cost tickets up to three times a year, while throughout the year you can get stand-by tickets that are at least half the normal price. These ticket costs are mostly offered by the airline you are an employee of and sometimes with partner airlines too.

For someone who loves traveling, this opens up a world of opportunities as you save all the costs that are incurred on flight tickets, as there are tickets that would cost as much as $3000 USD round trip per person. So all that money saved from the flight trips could mean being able to afford better stay, entertainment and other experiences you might like to have on a holiday.

Thrill and Excitement of the Pilot Job

Can you imagine being the person in control of a machine that looks like this and flies at 800 kilometers per hour, at an altitude of 35,000 feet?

Being a pilot is exciting for several reasons, such as:

  • The thrill and enjoyment of flying: Pilots get to experience the sensation of flying and controlling an aircraft, as well as seeing the world from a different perspective. They also get to face various challenges and situations that require quick thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • The continuous learning and improvement: As a pilot, you will always be learning and improving your skill of flying. Mastering the skill of flying one day at a time has to provide a great sense of accomplishment and you get to experience that quite often.
  • The variety and diversity: One might think flying for a commercial airline might become repetitive and boring, but no, you get to travel to new airports where the landing and takeoff is a new challenge for you. The weather will be different and challenging a lot.

In conclusion, being a pilot is exciting because it offers many opportunities and benefits that are unique and rewarding. Pilots are passionate about their profession and enjoy the challenges and rewards that come with it.

A Pilot Job is One of the Most Respected Professions

Being a pilot is respected for several reasons, such as:

  • The extensive training and qualifications required: Pilots need to undergo rigorous and comprehensive education and training to obtain their permits, licenses, ratings and endorsements, as well as to maintain their skills and knowledge throughout their careers. They also need to meet high standards of medical fitness, mental aptitude and physical performance.
  • The level of responsibility involved: Pilots are responsible for the safety and operation of the aircraft, as well as the lives of the passengers and crew on board. They need to make quick and accurate decisions, handle complex and dynamic situations, and cope with stress and fatigue. They also need to follow strict regulations and procedures, and communicate effectively with other pilots, air traffic controllers and airline personnel.
  • The attractive compensation and benefits: Pilots typically earn a high annual salary, which can vary depending on the type, size and capacity of the aircraft, the duration and distance of the flight, and the airline or operator they work for. They also receive a strong benefits package, which may include health insurance, retirement plan, travel discounts, etc.
  • The positive job outlook: Pilots are in high demand in the aviation industry, as air travel is expected to grow in the coming years. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of airline and commercial pilot positions is projected to increase by 13% from 2020 to 2030. This is faster than the average for all occupations.

Pilots Get a Lot of Free Time

A pilot job has a lot of regulations on how many hours a pilot can perform duties due to many reasons, such as needing time between flights for being well rested to perform the duties at complete focus. There are pilots for some major airlines that work just 10 days a month.

Pilots sometimes work on call. Meaning they have to be ready to be in the cockpit under a specified amount of time from the call. Most airlines have a 90-minute call window to report time. But most of the time you do not get a call itself as you are serving as a reserve pilot if for some other reason, the pilot scheduled for the job that day was not able to make it to work.

In the eyes of the airline, you are working although you are just sitting at home waiting. This is not a way of saying you get paid for free as you still have to be in the cockpit in 90 minutes, and to do that based on where you live you would have to start as soon as you get the call.

All this gives a pilot a lot of free time. Although some of this time may still be away from home, it is still free time that can be used in any productive way.

Pilots Get Good Pay

The pilot shortage you hear around is not only creating more jobs but also increasing the pay rate throughout the world. Even without the shortage to consider, pilot pay has always been good. The pay is justified considering the job of a pilot being the safety of hundreds of people every day and the safety of a machine that costs hundreds of millions of dollars.

For a senior pilot being a captain can earn $200,000 USD at some regional airlines to as much as $400,000 USD at some major airlines. One might argue that the starting pays for pilots is not great, but there are very limited jobs that offer the salary growth rate that a pilot job offers. One could reach the above-mentioned pay in as little as 4 years from starting their first job as a pilot.

Different Types of Career Options

Normally when someone is looking for reasons to become a pilot, the general idea is of the general civil or passenger flights pilots. One needs to understand that there are a variety of career options that are available by signing up for flight training.

Because some people might think that being the pilot of a flight is to get passengers from point A to point B, and this might look like not a very exciting job (not saying I am one of them). There are so many other kinds of flying like being a pilot for charter flights, bush flying and even being an instructor if you love teaching.

You Get to Use Advanced Technology

As an airline pilot, you will get to use advanced technology that can enhance your performance and safety. You will get to fly modern aircraft that are equipped with sophisticated systems and instruments that can assist you in navigation, communication, automation, monitoring, etc. You will also get to use various devices and tools that can help you in planning, preparing, executing, and evaluating your flight, such as computers, tablets, smartphones, headsets, cameras, etc.

Using advanced technology can also expand your knowledge and skills. You will need to know how to operate and maintain the technology that you use in your flight. You will also need to know how to troubleshoot and resolve any issues or malfunctions that may occur with the technology. You will also need to know how to update and upgrade the technology that you use in your flight.

Using advanced technology can also expose you to new opportunities and innovations. You will be able to access and share information and resources with other pilots and aviation professionals around the world. You will also be able to participate in research and development projects that aim to improve aviation technology and practices.

Early Start to a Career

young aspiring pilot

This is another great advantage of becoming a pilot is that one can get a Private Pilot License at an age of as low as 16 years old and a Commercial Pilot License at an age of as low as 18 years. This allows a very early start into a great career. Also, this might be a good place to bring to notice that there is hardly any limit to how old one can be (even as old as 55 years) to start in aviation.

But as the airlines allow you to start so early that is a great advantage for your career as seniority in an airline is of great importance for career growth in civil aviation. Seniority in an airline is the factor that the airlines consider to promote one pilot over the other.

The more years of service you have in a particular airline the sooner you reach the captain’s level in that airline. So the sooner in your age you start off in an airline the sooner you become a captain and sooner you reachthe highest pay scale the airline has to offer.

A Job that Offers the Best Views in the World

Stunning view from cockpit

For me, this has to be one of the best reasons to become a pilot, only next to the rush of being able to control the machine. Imagine a job that allows you to see the world from a different angle, literally. A job that gives you access to the most stunning and breathtaking views that most people can only dream of. 

A job that lets you explore the beauty and diversity of our planet, from the highest peaks to the lowest valleys, from the busiest cities to the most remote islands, from the coldest poles to the hottest deserts. A job that offers the best views in the world.

As a pilot, you have the privilege of flying above the clouds, witnessing the changing colors and shapes of the sky, the sun and the moon. You have the opportunity to see the Earth from a bird’s eye view, admiring its natural and man-made wonders. You have the thrill of experiencing different weather conditions, such as thunderstorms, snowstorms, fog and clear skies. You have the joy of discovering new places and cultures, meeting new people and learning new things.

Being a pilot is not just a job; it is an adventure. It is a way of living that enriches your mind, body and soul. It is a way of seeing that expands your horizons and opens your eyes. It is a way of being that challenges you, inspires you and fulfills you.


Becoming a pilot is not for everyone, but it is for anyone who has the passion, dedication, skill and knowledge to pursue it. It is for anyone who wants to have a rewarding and exciting career that offers many benefits and opportunities. It is for anyone who wants to have the best views in the world.

If you are one of those people, then I hope this article has motivated you to take the first step towards your dream. I hope this article has given you some insights and information that will help you along the way. I hope this article has made you realize that becoming a pilot is possible and achievable.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope you enjoyed it and learned something from it. If you enjoyed this I am sure you might like to know how to become a pilot or you might also like check a few reasons why being a pilot might not be a good idea. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact me. I would love to hear from you.


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