Overview of Licences One Can Get From Flight Training In India

Are you looking at pursuing a career in the field of aviation in India? You must be wondering what kind of licences one would need to become a commercial pilot in India or what kind of licences one can get when they do a pilot training in India. If so, then I intend to give you the much needed answer through this blog.

Becoming a commercial pilot is a dream for many. It’s a profession that promises thrilling experiences, travel opportunities, and the chance to view the world from a unique perspective. Particularly in India where aviation is improving every day and airline companies are looking to expand their operations at a huge scale.

However, the journey to become a commercial pilot requires rigorous training and a series of licenses. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the different licenses you can obtain during flight training in India, providing a comprehensive guide for aspiring pilots in the country. Buckle up as we take off into the details of the Indian commercial pilot licensing system.

Requirements for Becoming a Commercial Pilot in India

Firstly, let us touch base on the requirements to become a commercial pilot in India. The applicant must meet the following criteria to be eligible for pursuing a pilot training in India. These include:

  • A valid passport
  • Being at least 18 years of age while applying for the license
  • Having completed 10th grade
  • Have cleared Class 1 medical examination by a certified doctor as per DGCA norms
  • Having a minimum of 45% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (or equivalent subject combination) in the 12th

Once you have met all the criteria, you need to get your pilot licenses issued by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA). Let us take a look at what kind of pilot licenses can be obtained by doing flight training in India

Types of Licences Commercial Pilots secure with Flight Training in India

Flight schools in India offer three main types of licenses, as required by DGCA for anyone to become a commercial pilot in India, each meant for a different purpose. These are categorized as follows:

  • Private Pilot License (PPL): A PPL is suitable for piloting airplanes for recreational purposes, such as sightseeing or flying around with family and friends. To obtain this license, you need to have logged at least 40 hours of flying, with 10 hours as a solo flight. Check out DGCA requirements here
  • Commercial Pilot License (CPL): A CPL is the one required to become an airline pilot and fly for commercial purposes such as cargo transport or passenger air travel. To obtain this license, you need to have logged at least 200 hours of flying and should have obtained your PPL. Check out DGCA Requirement here for CPL.
  • Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL): An ATPL is suitable for pilots who wish to work as a captain in the airline industry. You need to have logged at least 1500 hours of flying and should have obtained your CPL if you wish to obtain an ATPL.

In addition to obtaining your license, you will also need to receive extensive training in aircraft systems, human factors, navigation and meteorology. With the right amount of preparation and dedication, you can easily become a qualified commercial pilot in India. You can checkout the list of top flight schools in India here.

Ratings Required to Fly Different Aircrafts in India

In the context of aviation, a license and a rating have distinct definitions. A license is a certification provided by aviation authorities after a pilot has completed a certain amount of training and flight hours. This license permits the holder to operate an aircraft. On the other hand, a rating is an extension or addition to a pilot’s license. It provides the authorization to fly different types of aircraft or to operate under specific conditions, such as instrument or multi-engine ratings. While a license is about the pilot’s general ability to fly, a rating focuses on specific types and conditions of flight.

Just as types of licenses vary, so do the ratings required to fly different types of aircraft in India. Ratings are essentially an add-on to your license, certifying you to operate specific types of aircraft.

Single-Engine Rating:

This rating is for those who wish to operate single-engine aircraft. It involves a minimum of 70 hours of flight training, including 20 hours of solo flying and 5 hours of cross-country flying. This training ensures you are skilled enough to manage all aspects of flying a single-engine aircraft, from takeoff to landing.

Multi-Engine Rating:

This rating is necessary for pilots intending to operate aircraft with more than one engine. The complexity of handling multiple engines requires additional training. The multi-engine rating typically needs at least 30 hours of flight training, including 5 hours of solo flight.

Remember, both ratings require a valid medical certification, among other prerequisites. It’s also worth noting that these ratings need to be renewed periodically to ensure the pilot’s skills remain up to date.

By understanding the licensing and rating requirements, aspiring pilots can ensure they are suitably prepared for a career in aviation.

Additional Training and Ratings Needed for Becoming an Airline Pilot in India

In addition to the single-engine and multi-engine ratings, commercial pilots in India must achieve specific licensing requirements. The Commercial Pilot License (CPL) is the primary license needed and is obtained after accumulating a minimum of 200 hours of flight time. This includes 100 hours of solo flight, 20 hours of cross-country flight, and 10 hours of instrument training.

Moreover, a Radio Telephony Restricted (Aeronautical) or RTR(A) License issued by the Ministry of Communication, Government of India, is also mandatory. It authorizes pilots to operate the radio-telephony station on Indian registered aircraft. The license tests the applicant’s knowledge of radio-telephony procedure and regulations, and proficiency in English.

Finally, commercial pilots need an Instrument Rating (IR) and a Multi-Engine Land (MEL) class rating. The IR qualifies pilots to fly under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR), critical for flying at night or in poor weather conditions, while the MEL allows pilots to operate multi-engine aircraft.

The licensing journey is rigorous but ensures pilots have the comprehensive knowledge, skills, and experience necessary for a commercial aviation career in India. Each license and rating adds to a pilot’s repertoire, equipping them for diverse piloting challenges and responsibilities.


Being a commercial pilot in India comes with so many advantages and personal achievements. First and foremost, the sense of freedom and exhilaration that comes with flying cannot be compared to anything else. Skimming the clouds, flying over vast landscapes, and watching the sunrise from thousands of feet above the ground is an experience that very few professions can offer.

Financially, commercial pilots in India are well compensated. Also, compared to other countries, the starting salaries are also great when compared with other professions. With the aviation industry’s growth, pilots are in high demand, leading to lucrative salary packages. In addition to the basic pay, pilots often receive various allowances, including layover, flying, and uniform.

Furthermore, the career path for pilots is filled with opportunities for growth and development. The seniority structure allows pilots to progress from a first officer to a senior captain, each step accompanied by an increase in responsibilities and remuneration.

Finally, the societal respect and admiration associated with being a pilot is a significant benefit. Pilots are often viewed as disciplined, courageous, and highly skilled professionals, qualities that are highly respected in society.

In conclusion, while the journey to becoming a commercial pilot in India is rigorous, the benefits it offers, from personal satisfaction to financial security, make it a rewarding profession.

If you have read this far, you must be an aspirant and you must be interested in knowing if getting a type rating after CPL gives you a better chance at getting a pilot job in India,

Some other questions many aspiring pilots have regarding pilot licences in India

How can I get ATPL after CPL in India?

In India, aspiring pilots who hold a Commercial Pilot License (CPL) need to accumulate a total of 1500 flying hours and pass DGCA examinations to obtain an Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL). There are three popular ways to build flight hours in India:

  1. Get hired by an airline or charter service: Some companies accept CPL holders for these positions and this is not only an affordable option but also allows you to gain valuable flight experience while earning a salary.
  2. Become a certified flight instructor: By completing your Flight Instructor rating and joining a flight school, you can provide flight instructions to student pilots while getting paid. This way, you’ll not only accumulate flight hours but also contribute to the learning of aspiring aviators.
  3. Buddy flying with fellow CPL friends: Renting an aircraft together and sharing the expenses is another option. This allows you to fly with your peers, build flight hours, and split the costs among yourselves.

Is Canadian CPL valid in India?

A CPL issued by Transport Canada or Federal Aviation Administration in USA is accepted by the Indian DGCA for the purposes of conversion. DGCA considers these licences as valid licences and allows conversion using the hours accumulated while attaining these licences. One still has to go through the conversion process to be eligible for any Indian Airline jobs.

How long is ATPL license valid in India?

In India, an Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL) is valid for a period of 5 years. It’s important to note, however, that pilots are required to undergo a medical fitness test each year to ensure they remain eligible to fly. Upon reaching the age of 40, this test becomes a biannual requirement. If a pilot fails to maintain their medical certification, their ATPL can be suspended, regardless of its remaining validity period.

Is CPL enough to become a pilot in India?

Having a Commercial Pilot License (CPL) is a fundamental step towards becoming a pilot in India and one becomes eligible to get a payment as the service of flying an aircraft. But most Indian airlines will need an ATPL or a preferred aircraft type’s type rating to be offered a job.

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