Is Type Rating Necessary To Get A Job In India After CPL?

Two pilots sitting inside a flight simulator during type rating

You have prepared yourself to invest a fortune in getting your CPL to give your aviation career the best chance to take off, but you keep hearing that you also need to do a type rating to get a pilot job in an airline in India. But what is this type rating?

Simply put, a type rating is an additional course of instruction that pilots must complete for specific aircraft types. It provides students with the knowledge and practical skills to be able to fly safely and competently in different airplanes, such as 747s or the A320. Once you have a type rating for a particular aircraft, it is valid for any other airplane of its kind.

But why is it important for a career in aviation? Or the most worrying question is, is a type rating necessary to land a pilot job after obtaining a Commercial Pilot License (CPL)?

No, obtaining a CPL is not mandatory to secure a pilot job. However, having a CPL can expedite the process of landing a pilot job in India compared to not having one. With a CPL, individuals become eligible for both CPL jobs and type-rated jobs, which are more prevalent in the Indian aviation industry. This opens up more opportunities for aspiring pilots to kickstart their careers.

All these questions often arise from the uncertainty and ambiguity surrounding the prerequisites for launching a successful career in aviation. In this article, we will navigate the complexities of this subject, providing clear, factual information that will help you plot your course towards your dream job in the cockpit. So fasten your seatbelts and prepare for takeoff on this enlightening journey.

What is a type rating and what is its importance?

A type rating is not merely an additional notch in your pilot’s belt; it’s a requirement that can significantly impact your career prospects. In India, most airlines, especially the larger ones, operate on aircraft like the Boeing 737 and Airbus A320. A valid type rating helps a pilot to understand and proficiently operate the systems of that particular type of aircraft.

While it’s true that a CPL forms the foundation for a career in aviation, it’s the type rating that often differentiates candidates in the competitive job market. Airlines tend to prefer pilots who are already type-rated on the aircraft in their fleet. This preference stems from the cost and time implications associated with training new pilots.

These are the costs and time that the airline has to invest on pilots who do not already possess an understanding of systems in the aircraft they operate in. Thus, having a type rating could give you an edge in the recruitment process, potentially accelerating your transition from the training environment to the cockpit.

However, it’s important to approach this strategically. The type rating you choose should align with the type of aircraft operated by the airlines you’re interested in. Conducting this research can help ensure your investment in a type rating pays off by boosting your chances of employment.

Pilots do not normally fly just one type of aircraft their entire career as after starting in an airline one will get to do more type ratings as they progress in flying different categories of flights like short distance to long distance.

So who needs to acquire a type rating after completing their CPL in India

When it comes to landing a pilot job in India after obtaining a Commercial Pilot License (CPL), the necessity of a type rating largely depends on the specific aircraft one aims to pilot. The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) in India mandates a type rating for any individual wanting to fly aircraft that weigh more than 5700 kg. This rule predominantly applies to larger commercial aircraft such as the Boeing 737 or Airbus A320, which are commonly operated by major airlines in India.

Therefore, it’s not a strict requirement for every pilot job, but it certainly opens up more opportunities in the competitive aviation sector. This is because acquiring a type rating demonstrates to potential employers that you have specific training and expertise in operating a particular class of aircraft. Airlines tend to favor candidates who already have a type rating matching their fleet to save on training costs and time.

Also in Indian aviation, airlines have more openings to a type-rated pilot than just a fresh CPL holder, unless one goes through the airline’s pilot cadet program. It is not to say that there are no openings for fresh CPL holders ever in India, but it is just that they are not as common as type-rated openings.

So if you are someone that wants to have a better shot at getting hired sooner into an airline a type rating can help. But if you are someone who can wait for a CPL opening, you can wait until you get a job to spend on type rating, because you still need to get a type rating even after you get hired and pay for it yourself.

How to obtain a type rating after CPL in India (cost, duration, etc.)?

Obtaining a type rating in India post-CPL involves a comprehensive training process, both in terms of time and financial investment. So how much does a type rating cost? The cost of getting a type rating can range from INR 15 to 30 lakh, depending on the type of aircraft and the training institute chosen. Predominantly, the training institutes which provide type rating courses are found in cities like Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore.

The duration of a type rating course is typically about two months. It comprises ground classes and simulator sessions, and it ends with a simulator check by a DGCA-approved examiner. The ground classes cover the technical aspects of the specific aircraft type and systems, while the simulator sessions focus on practicing normal, abnormal and emergency procedures related to that aircraft.

Financial institutions in India do provide loans for type rating courses, which can ease the financial burden on aspiring pilots. However, it is important to remember that obtaining a type rating is a significant investment and should be carefully considered.

Aligning your type rating with the fleet type of your target airlines and gauging the market conditions can increase the return on this investment by improving your chances of employment. Here is one training institute that offers many type ratings as per DGCA requirements, check out for more details


A type rating is considered a valuable enhancement to a Commercial Pilot License (CPL) in India. Although not always a prerequisite for a pilot job, having a type rating can substantially increase your employment prospects. There are several reasons why this is the case.

Firstly, airlines prefer pilots who are already type-rated on the aircraft types in their fleet. This means that pilots with a specific type rating have a distinct advantage when it comes to job placements and salary packages. The type rating validates that the pilot is fully trained and prepared to fly a specific aircraft, reducing the time and resources the airline needs to invest in its training.

Secondly, despite the significant cost associated with obtaining a type rating, the return on investment can be high. This is mainly due to the increased employment opportunities and the higher salary packages typically offered to type-rated pilots.

While a type rating is not always explicitly required to secure a pilot job in India post-CPL, it can significantly boost a pilot’s job prospects and potential earning capacity. Therefore, it is highly recommended for anyone looking to advance their career in the Indian aviation industry soon in their life, as aviation is a seniority-based industry.

Some other questions people have around type rating in India

Is type rating included in CPL in India?

In India, a type rating is not typically included in the Commercial Pilot License (CPL). After earning the CPL, pilots may opt to get a type rating for a specific aircraft, which is an additional endorsement that allows them to operate a particular type of aircraft.

It is a separate certification, requiring additional training and examination, which comes with its own distinct cost. The decision to pursue a type rating is often influenced by factors such as the pilot’s career goals, the types of aircraft in operation by potential employers, and the pilot’s financial capacity to invest in further training.

You can check here for the list of top flight schools in India.

Do type ratings expire in India?

Yes, type ratings do expire in India. According to the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), the regulatory body for civil aviation in India, a type rating typically lasts for a period of 12 months.

To maintain the validity of the type rating, pilots are required to complete a Proficiency Check under the supervision of a DGCA-approved examiner, prior to the expiry of their current type rating. Failing to do so can result in the suspension of the type rating, limiting the pilot’s ability to operate the relevant aircraft until the rating is renewed.

Do airlines pay for type rating?

The policies regarding who pays for a type rating can vary greatly between airlines. Some airlines do indeed cover the cost of type rating as part of their investment in their pilots, seeing it as a long-term benefit to the company.

This is especially common in larger airlines, where the fleet consists of diverse aircraft types. However, in other cases, particularly in smaller or budget airlines, the pilots themselves might be required to pay for their own type ratings. If the airlines pay for the type rating one can also expect a bond with the airlines to work with them for a certain number of years

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