About Pilots Jetway

Welcome to Pilots Jetway! As an aviation enthusiast and an aspiring pilot myself, I am thrilled to embark on the journey of becoming an airline pilot. During my quest for information and guidance, I noticed a significant gap in the availability of a comprehensive resource tailored to aspiring pilots. Existing sources often provided incomplete and fragmented information, leaving me with more questions than answers. They focused mainly on specific programs or offered only a general overview, failing to address the multitude of inquiries I had.


To bridge this gap, I did extensive research and engaged in conversations with individuals at various stages of their aviation careers from those at flying schools building hours to captains at some of the best airlines. These experiences, in addition to providing me with a treasure of network, have equipped me with a wealth of knowledge, and I really want to share all this valuable information with fellow aspiring pilots.


My goal with Pilots Jetway is to guide you through your aviation journey, from the initial stages of exploration to the advancement of your career. Additionally, I am committed to providing timely updates and relevant news from the aviation industry, ensuring that you stay informed and well-prepared in the ever-evolving world of aviation.

I invite you to explore Pilots Jetway with confidence, as it is designed to be your go-to resource for all things aviation. Whether you are just beginning to explore the world of aviation or are already deeply immersed in the field, Pilots Jetway is here to support and guide you every step of the way. Together, let’s soar to new heights in the world of aviation!

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